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Product specification: 86g whole kernels, 7 small bags per box Nut diameter: above 18mm 7 flavors: honey, salted, mustard, coffee, coconut, barbecue, seaweed Mixed flavors: 7 bags for 7 different flavors
Product specification: 320g half kernel, 20 small bags per bag Flavor: Natural
500gProduct specification: 500g 22-26mm Diameter: 22-26mm Flavor: Natural, salted
Product specifications: 185g whole kernels, one pack of 10 small bags, 252g whole kernels, one pack of 14 small bags Diameter: 17-20mm Flavor: Natural
Copyright © 2023 Yunnan Macadamia Industry Development Co.,Ltd
SAF Coolest v1.3 设置面板 HIUSX-ZPJD-PFZFE-ZWQ
违禁词: 第一,最,一流,领先,独一无二,王者,龙头,领导者,极致,
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